Trochilioides recta
Syn. Trochilia recta Kahl, 1928
Description of Qingdao population: Cells about 35 × 20 μm in vivo. Body broad oval in outline with both ends bluntly rounded (Figs 3A, E, G). Dorsoventrally flattened about 2:1, ventral side flat, in right region slightly concave where the ventral ciliary rows are located; dorsal side somewhat humped. Cytostome ventrally positioned at anterior 1/5 of body length; about six conspicuous nematodesmal rods around it. Cytoplasm colourless, containing some greasily shinning globules (2–3 μm across). Two contractile vacuoles, 5 μm in diameter, located at anterior and posterior 1/4 of cell. Podite about 6 μm long, caudally positioned. Single ellipsoid macronucleus in central region, about 15 × 10 μm in vivo.
17–20 somatic kineties in total, comprising six right kineties, six to nine left kineties and five postoral kineties. Two right-most kineties, almost equal in length, and extending anteriorly to anterior margin. Postoral and left kineties very short and distributed in anterior body half, the posterior ends of which are progressively shortened from right to left Equatorial fragment composed of 0–14 basal bodies, while terminal fragment consisting of 4–6 ones. Usually, five or six kinetosome-like granules present near the base of podite and arranged in a letter “C” pattern. Two circumoral kineties and one preoral kinety composed of dikinetids and obliquely arranged.
Asia, Europe
Chinese sampling site: coastal waters off Qingdao, China, on 2 July 2009. The water temperature was ca. 24.5 °C and the salinity was ca. 31‰.