Trochilioides tenuis
Small Trochilioides, 30–40 × 20–35 μm in vivo, body elliptical in outline; consistently three right kineties, four left kineties and seven postoral kineties; single contractile vacuole located at anterior of right side; marine habitat.
Small Trochilioides, 30–40 × 20–35 μm in vivo, body elliptical in outline; consistently three right kineties, four left kineties and seven postoral kineties; single contractile vacuole located at anterior of right side; marine habitat.
Cell size about 30–40 × 20–35 μm in vivo; body usually elliptical in outline with anterior end bluntly rounded and posterior end somewhat tapered. Ventral side flat and dorsal side humped with several longitudinal stripes after protargol impregnation. Usually, rice-like pellicular granules irregularly distributed on dorsal side. Cytostome prominent, oval shaped, ventrally positioned in anterior 1/5 of cell; but nematodesmal rods not detected. Cytoplasm colourless, containing numerous small, greasily shinning globules (2–3 μm across), and food vacuoles (4–8 μm across), which render cells slightly greyish. Single contractile vacuole, about 5 μm in diameter, located at anterior 1/3 of right side. Single oval macronucleus centrally positioned, about 11 × 6 μm in vivo. Podite leaf shaped and 5 μm long, subcaudally located. Cilia 7 μm long. Movement by gliding on the substrate.
Consistently, three right kineties, seven postoral kineties and four left kineties surrounding the cytostome. Two right-most kineties almost equal in length, extending anteriorly to anterior margin. Posterior ends of right kineties terminating at the same level and a fragment, comprising three or four basal bodies, located on the left of them. Left and postoral kineties very short, the posterior ends of which are progressively shortened from right to left. Equatorial fragment composed of 0–8 basal bodies, and terminal fragment consisting 2–4 ones. The oral ciliature composed of three dikinetid fragments: two circumoral kineties (Co) arranged in parallel, equal in length; and one preoral kinety, relatively long, obliquely arranged in front of Co. During cell division, the oral primordium of opisthe generated from three sections of postoral kineties.
Asia, Europe.
Coastal waters off Xiaogang Port in Qingdao (36°18′ N, 120°43′ E), China on 11 March 2009. The water temperature was 12 °C and the salinity was ca. 30 ‰.