Welcome to Marine Benthic Ciliates
This website aims to provide an user-friendly guide to all known marine benthic ciliated protozoan. It will contain descriptions, images and important references of each species. An updated taxonomy of ciliates will also be supplied. The classification data and nomenclature it contains are extracted from published materials that is marked up for data mining. To the best of our knowledge, the data are accurate.
Recent Pages
Xiaozhong Hu - 2013-11-15
The ciliated protozoa have been recognized as a phylum, the Ciliophora, of the Kingdom Protista.
Recently Added Literature
Xiaozhong Hu - 2013-12-09
Xiaozhong Hu - 2013-12-09
Xiaozhong Hu - 2013-12-09
Recently Added Taxon Descriptions
Xiaozhong Hu - 2013-11-26
Xiaozhong Hu - 2013-12-08
Xiaozhong Hu - 2013-12-08